Monday, April 27, 2009

Nevada Traffic Ticket And Point Values

The Below is a partial list of traffic violations along with demerit points that are assigned to your driving records

Reckless Driving 8

Careless Driving 6

Failure to give information or

render aid at the scene of an accident 6

Following too closely 4

Failure to yield right-of-way 4

Passing a school bus when signals are flashing 4

Failure to yield to a pedestrian 4

Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign 4

Impeding traffic, driving too slowly 2

Failure to dim headlights 2

For Complete list of Violation Codes & demerit points click here

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Online Traffic School in Nevada

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Content Requirements for Blogs
Content Requirements for Blogs

Online Traffic School in Nevada

Content Requirements for Blogs Content Requirements for Blogs

Content Requirements for Blogs

I have been hearing lately that you can now take a Nevada traffic school course online, so I thought it was something worth looking in to. It didn’t take me long to find the information I was looking for with an internet search, but it seemed like there were so many different Nevada driving schools to choose from.

Content Requirements for Blogs

Content Requirements for Blogs

I started by narrowing it down to only the ones that offered the things I was looking for. I wanted to be sure that the course was approved, so if I took it I would be able to get the ticket removed from my driving record. Surprisingly, there were very few online traffic school in Nevada programs that offered this approval.

Content Requirements for Blogs

Content Requirements for Blogs

The course I ended up taking also had a 24-hour customer service and a full money-back guarantee if there were any problems. I liked this so much because it allowed me to take a chance without all of the risks; if I wasn’t happy then I could get my money back.

This online traffic school in Nevada did not disappoint and it was everything that I wanted. The course was so easy to use, which was good for me because I am not very good on the computer. This is definitely a risk I would be willing to take again, although I hope I don’t get any more tickets to have to.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Nevada Online Driving School

I got another Nevada speeding ticket and they told me that I have to take a traffic school course this time if I want to get rid of it. I was not very happy with this news, but I suppose it was my own fault for getting pulled over again. I had heard about Nevada online driving school in the past, but didn’t really think that it was the thing for me.

Well, with the recent news of having to attend a traffic school course I decided to look into it. What I found was a traffic school course that offered both convenience and affordability; exactly what I was looking for. The online traffic school Nevada course that I ended up taking to dismiss my ticket was approved by the state of Nevada, so I knew that it would meet all of the necessary requirements. Also, the course price was so low that at first I thought there was a catch. There wasn’t and the price included everything I needed for the course.

The greatest thing about this Nevada online driving school is that I didn’t need to compromise anything in my life for it. I got to decide when I had time to work on it, so I could customize it to fit into my daily schedule. You will not find these things with a traditional traffic school course, so if you want the same things I do then you must try it online.
